Rare Sight Of ‘blue moon’ To Be Happen Tonight

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist); The month of October will witness ‘Blue Moon’ on Saturday and during this time the rare full moon will be seen for the second time within a month. Generally, there is a full moon once a month and once on a new moon day. However, it is rare that a full moon (full moon) occurs twice in the same month and the second full moon is called a ‘blue moon’.

Mumbai’s Nehru Planetarium director Arvind Pranjpeya said that it was a full moon on October 1 and now the second full moon is on October 31. It also includes some mathematical calculations.

The duration of the lunar month is 29.531 days or 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 38 seconds, so to have a full moon twice in the same month, the first full moon must be on the first or second date of that month. Pranjpeya said that the last time in the 30-day month was ‘Blue Moon’ on 30 June 2007 and the next time it would be on 30 September 2050. He said that such an occasion came twice in the year 2018 when the ‘Blue Moon’ incident occurred. During that time the first ‘Blue Moon’ took place on 31 January and the second on 31 March. After this, the next ‘Blue Moon’ will take place on 31 August 2023.


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