RBI gave security-related tips to customers

(Juhi Aishwary, Journalist):  Banking fraud cases are increasing continuously. The thugs are cheating people in different ways and taking away their hard-earned money. It is very important for customers to be aware to avoid such fraud. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also keeps giving customers such tips from time to time, so that they can avoid banking fraud. On Monday, the RBI has also given tips to customers to avoid banking fraud.

The Reserve Bank of India has a tweet on Monday. In the tweet, the central bank wrote that if banking fraud is to be avoided, then your personal information has to be protected. RBI has also shared a GIF in the tweet. It reads, ‘Cybercrime is increasing at the moment. Do not share your OTP, UPI PIN, card details, etc. otherwise, you may have to pay a heavy price for it.

RBI further said, ‘With this information shared by you, fraudsters can create your virtual payment address and link your bank account with UPI. With this, he can easily withdraw money from your bank account or card. So be careful. RBI says .. Be aware, be cautious. ‘

Know what is VPA

This is called a virtual payment address. According to the cyber expert Priya chain, it is similar to UPI ID. VPA can only be generated by the accused. Through VPA the fraudster sends payment link to the customer. Now customers click on that link carefully without looking at it and enter their UPI PIN and pay, then they get caught in the trap of fraudsters. The customer should be vigilant while making transactions to avoid UPI fraud. Make sure to check whether the link to request payment has been sent by the person in front of you. Do check it out before proceeding. A request is made to receive payment in request-payment, while the payment is made to the front-end payment.

Take these steps when credit card fraud occurs

According to Priya, if the money is debited from your credit card without your permission, the victim should read the message of their credit card transaction very carefully. This will let you know which company and type of service have been purchased from your card. You can contact him and lodge a complaint stating the transaction ID. Victims can call the concerned company within 24 hours and demand to stop the service and return their money. At the same time, your card can also be blocked at the company gateway for upcoming security. Apart from this, the victims can also contact the bank to block their transactions for that company. Priya says never to save your card information at the payment gateway, as withdrawal can be done without OTP even if there is a 2D payment gateway.


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