Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist): 551 posts of constables have been reinstated in Bihar Home Defense Corps Service Cadre (Home Guard). This restoration will be done through Central Selection Board (Soldier Recruitment). Parshad has released an advertisement for this. Online applications can be submitted from 3 July . The last date to apply is 3 August.
According to the Council, for male and female candidates who want to be a soldier in the Home Guard, the educational qualification is intermediate (12th) or equivalent pass. The restoration process will be in two stages. First written test will be conducted. Based on this, the candidates will be selected for the Physical Efficiency Test. The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Physical Efficiency Test.
Age limitation:
Minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 25 years for men and women of general (unreserved) category. For Backward and Extremely Backward Classes, minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 27 years. For Backward Class and Extremely Backward Class category women, minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 28 years. For men and women of scheduled caste and scheduled caste category, minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 30 years.
Height and chest candidates physical criteria – No marks will be payable for measurement. But candidates who do not fulfill the prescribed qualifications will be declared unsuccessful.
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