Registration of Autorickshaws starts accelerating in Pune

Rishitha Jalad(Intern Journalist): The COVID-19 outbreak has severely affected the automotive industry. The sales have utterly collapsed. But recently the rate of autorickshaw registrations is accelerating pretty well. They were not as good as they were before COVID-19 lockdown, but they are doing considerably well.

Officers of the Regional transport office(RTO) stated that registration rates are high in Pune and Pimpri. Initially, the registered autorickshaws from May 18 to June 8 are 58 and this number increased to 114 by June 15. Currently, 309 were registered. Registrations for already applied vehicles before lockdown were now registered.

An autorickshaw driver needs a license and a badge to drive legally. There were many who have this but don’t own a vehicle. So due to lockdown the drivers came to their hometowns and contacting the autorickshaw owners so that they can get a vehicle to drive.


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