Romania gives a big blow to China,

(Aditya Shaw, Intern Journalist): China has had to face the whole world confusing India in Ladakh. Now the European country Romania has signed a nuclear deal with the US, canceling the deal with China. Not only this, the Romanian government also said that every Chinese company operating under the Chinese Communist Party is a potential threat to the whole world.

Romania’s Ministry of Economy agreed on cooperation and financing agreements with the US on 9 October. The agreement includes the construction of two nuclear reactors at the plant along the banks of the Danube River and the renovation of one of its existing units. The Romanian government canceled the deal with China in early 2020.

The US Department of Energy said in its statement that Secretary Dan Broillet and Romania’s Minister of Economy and Energy, Virgil Popescu, have finalized the draft civil nuclear power program. This draft is done under the Government to Government Deal. The move comes after the dismantling of state-owned energy company Nuclearelectrica.

This company had entered into a 5-year agreement with China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN). Through this, the Chinese company was to build two new 700-megawatt reactors at the nuclear plant in Cernavoda, Romania. At the event signing the agreement with the US, Romania’s Adrian Zuckerman said Chinese companies are a threat to the whole world. Like CGN, Huawei and other communist Chinese companies have been driven to its corrupt business practices.

The project cost $ 8 billion, a joint statement by the US and Romania said that the US would provide expertise and technology for a multinational team to build two new nuclear reactors. In addition, it will restart an existing reactor at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant. The $ 8 billion projects will be led by US construction and engineering firm AECOM. While Romanian, Canadian and French companies will also be assisted in this.


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