S Jaishankar to meet Chinese foreign minister today on tension over LAC

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist); Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishank is on a four-day visit to Moscow to attend the meeting of foreign ministers. The Foreign Ministry of China (China) has said on Wednesday that the Foreign Ministers of Russia, India, and China (RIC) will meet in Moscow. During this time, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (Wang Yi) will meet each other three times today.

This meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries is happening when there is tension between India and China on LAC in East Ladakh. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar will first meet Chinese counterpart Wang Yi at the Shanghai Corporation Organization’s foreign ministers meeting today. After this, India, China, and Russia will also have foreign ministers at the lunch meeting. After this, there will be a bilateral meeting between the Foreign Ministers of India and China in the evening. The evening meeting will be the first in-person meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries following the tensions that began in May on LAC.


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