SBI changes Cash Withdrawal rules from ATM

Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist):State Bank of India (SBI) has changed the rules for Cash Withdrwal from its ATM (ATM). The bank implemented these rules from September 18, about which customers have been warned by tweeting again. Due to the festive season, most people are withdrawing cash from the bank’s ATM. In such a situation, to give information to customers, the bank has once again warned about these applicable rules.

Withdrawal of more than 10 thousand rupees at all the ATMs of the bank at any time will be through OTP, which will be sent to the registered mobile number associated with the customer’s ATM card. The bank had given this facility to customers from 8 am to 8 am in January this year. State Bank of India had said that OTP-verified ATM transactions were initiated to reduce the number of unauthorized transactions.

This facility will not be applicable for those transactions where one State Bank card holder withdraws cash from another bank’s ATM. This is because this functionality, according to SBI, has not been developed in the National Financial Switch (NFS). NFS is the largest interoperable ATM network in the country and it manages over 95 per cent of domestic interbank ATM transactions.


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