Many space planes are going to land on Mars soon. Reaching Mars has been among the most beautiful imaginations of scientists, but many missions have failed before reaching there and more than 50 percent have failed.
The United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates will begin sending unmanned astronauts to the red planet in connection with this week. The most comprehensive effort so far will explore the lives of microorganisms and the possibilities for future astronauts.
Scientists want to know what Mars was like billions of years ago when there used to be rivers, springs, and oceans in which micro-organisms lived. This planet has now been transformed into a barren, desert.
The US, on its part, is about to send a car-shaped six-wheeled rover named ‘Perseverance’ which will bring stone samples from the planet to Earth to be analyzed over the next decade.
NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said that now the name is more important than ever. Preparations are being sent to send this vehicle amid the coronavirus outbreak, although not many people will see its launch this time.
Each spacecraft must travel more than 48.30 million kilometers before reaching Mars next February. A spacecraft takes six to seven months to reach the farthest orbit of Mars across the orbit of the Earth and around the Sun.
Only America has been able to reach Mars successfully. He has done so eight times, starting with the Vikings in 1976. NASA’s Insight and Curiosity are currently on Mars. Six other spacecraft are studying the planet from the center. Three of these are from America, two from Europe and one from India.
The United Arab Emirates and China also want to join it. The UAE spacecraft ‘Amal’ will fly from Japan on Wednesday. This will be followed by China’s number which will send a rover and orbiter to Mars around 23 July. Mission name is Tianwen
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