Saloni Subha ( Intern Journalist ) Amid Pandemic the Joint Entrance Exam ( JEE )-Mains for admission into engineering colleges began on Tuesday, However, exams were held with strict precaution and social distancing measures.
Staggered exit and entry were there for a candidate, sanitizer at the entry gate distribution of mask, and social distancing as candidates lined up all these measures was followed by the students at exam centers all over the country. Over 900,000 students were set to appear at the exam center between September 1and 6.
The National Testing Agency and the central government’s endeavors to conduct exams had brought lots of criticism from the opposition parties as well as students. They demanded exams be postponed.
while the government was firm on his decision to conduct the exam, arguing that the aspirants’ academic year would be wasted. Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had appealed all states on Monday to make sure candidates appear for the jee-Mains exam smoothly.
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