Rishika Iyer (Intern Journalist): A few days ago, reports from the country said that Kim Jong-un was in a coma and in a very critical condition. A journalist named Roy Calley traveled to the country and believe that he is dead. His sister, Kim Yo-jong is said to take over his duties.
He said that North Korea will continue to give out vague details about their leader’s health until the transfer of authority and power and major operational changes are complete. He also mentioned the heavy misinformation being spread amongst the people of North Korea and claims that this is a sign that something has happened. “When Kim Jong-il had died, the country released the information months later. The country is almost never specific when it comes to giving information about its major leaders” said Calley.
Chang Song-min, a former aid of South Korean president said “I assess him to be in a coma, but his life has not ended.” Experts however have a different opinion. Experts and spy agency’s say that he is dead.
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