Tag: coronavirus vaccine
Will the dream remain a miraculous corona vaccine?
(Juhi Aishwary, Intern Journalist): Telling how important the vaccine is against the coronavirus infection would probably be like showing Diya to the sun. Israel’s defense laboratory has claimed to have developed antibodies and two Italian scientists to make the improvised vaccine. Human trials are going on under the leadership of researchers from Oxford University. Initial human trials…
Corona patients in country cross 1.58 lakh, 67,691 cured
Work is progressing rapidly on finding vaccines and cures to fight the Coronavirus Vaccine Coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 124 potential vaccines for Covid-19. 10 of which are at the clinical trial level. While in India it is expected to start in 6 months. Countries such as China have few…
America signed a 300 million vaccine deal
(Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): Amid increasing cases of coronavirus, all countries are currently considering vaccine as the only effective solution. Currently, dozens of companies are also working towards developing the vaccine. Meanwhile, the US has already signed a deal to buy 300 million vaccines from British pharma company AstraZeneca before it becomes effective. Britain has…
Oxford University Tests Vaccine on Six Monkeys, Antibodies Formed in 14 Days
(Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): Researchers at Oxford University in Britain have tested the vaccine for the treatment of Covid-19 on six monkeys. Test results have come out positive and this vaccine is being tested on humans too. About 1000 volunteers have participated in clinical trials. The vaccine, named CHADOX1 NCOV-19, was tested on six Rhesus…
WHO said- Coronavirus may never end
Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist: Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the Emergency Program of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that corona can become a never-ending disease. The world must learn to live along with it. He also said that HIV is not yet eradicated but we are living with it. Ryan said, “I am not…