Tag: Health
Use of gourd peel
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Kanpur: Gourd is counted in green vegetables. Its intake provides relief in diabetes, strengthens the digestive system, controls cholesterol, and reduces weight. In addition, gourd peels are also beneficial. However, people do not use gourd peels and through them away. If you do this too, then know its health benefits. It…
Some steps a day
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Columbia: The habit of walking daily in the morning and the evening is beneficial for heart health. Everyone knows this thing. But the situation is not clear about how many steps are necessary to maintain blood pressure. Now researchers at Columbia University Medical Center claim to have found the answer to…
The cure of all disease is hidden in Garlic
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Kanpur: Often we use garlic to make tadka or gravy in food. But do you know how many benefits of eating garlic? Eating garlic rich in medicinal properties is not only good for taste but also good for your health. If roasted garlic is eaten at bedtime, then it cures various…
Get relief in back pain by stretching
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) It is very important to include stretching in routine workouts. These exercises related to stretch in the muscles not only work warmup but also relieve the stiffness of muscles and make the body flexible. Seated hip twist exercise trains the body to stabilize when you bend the body and buttocks, Abdominal…
Don’t take hand pain and tickling lightly
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Do you have pain in your hands? Does the area around the wrist is tickling intermittently? If yes, then do a cholesterol test. The American Heart Association has given this advice based on recent studies. According to the researchers, when the plaque (Fat, calcium, cholesterol, or organic waste) increases in the…
Text messaging acts as mental health therapy: Study
(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): According to a recent study, a text-messaging system could be a safe, scientifically promising, practical method to assist individuals with severe mental illness. The research team examined the impact of text messaging and the assertive community treatment program. People with serious mental illness are likely to experience symptoms each day for…
A study on body positivity
(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): While technology has been blamed for the bulk of instances of negative body image and even body dysmorphia, it is also responsible for initiating a conversation on body positivity. People are learning to enjoy their own bodies in this day and age, and all the natural curves and quirks which come…
Got swollen feet? Try these simple techniques
(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): Swollen feet are very painful and sometimes a symptom of poor health. When the swelling continues, and you still experience some form of discomfort, it would be advisable to consult a doctor and have it tested. But there’s no harm in carrying out such simple steps before that: * Use a…
Vaping and e-cigarettes linked with cardiovascular disease
(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): The use of e-cigarettes in teenagers increases the chance of beginning to smoke regular cigarettes. Evidence has found that e-cigarettes increase blood pressure and pulse rate, alter the artery walls, and make them stiffer and less elastic and hinder blood vessel activity by weakening their lining. Increasing of these four causes…
Kidney problems due to Covid-19
(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): According to a report, the number of such patients, who have kidney problems due to covid-19, is increasing worldwide. The virus affects the kidneys in both direct and indirect ways. According to a recent report by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), acute kidney injury, and kidney failure is a major…