Tag: kolkata news
High court directs the state government to reappoint the suspended teacher in ‘U for Ugly’ case
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court has directed the state government to reappoint the suspended teacher in the textbook ‘You for next’ case. Last June, a case of writing the words ‘U’ to ‘next’ (ugly) in an English alphabet book came to light at a government primary school in East Bardhaman district…
Now Jaundice test will be tested after seeing the nails of newborns
(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Kolkata : Jaundice in newborns can now be tested without touching them and without blood test. One such device named AJO-NIO has been developed. By putting rays of light on the baby’s nails, the bilirubin level in the blood tells in just 3 seconds. It was developed by a team of…