(Rishitha Jaladi, Intern Journalist)New Delhi: WhatsApp’s messenger rival Telegram recently announced its upcoming new features. Now, the users can enjoy access to sharing files up to 2GB, group stats, mini thumbnails, profile videos, new photo-editing features, and many more.
The new version of the telegram is made available now, for both android and Ios users. Telegram had already allowed users to share files up to 1.5GB which is far more than WhatsApp’s 64MB. Now, the recent version of telegram available, gave entrance to share files and documents up to 2Gb.
Another Noteworthy feature is, Telegram has now introduced the feature of Profile Videoes, and alternative to usual profile photos. Now telegram users can put up already recorded videos from their gallery or record a new video with the in-built camera.
Further, it has also introduced mini thumbnail, This will show a small thumbnail image of the shared picture, in the conversation list instead of an image icon.
Moving forward, the users can archive all the chats that are not in their contact list. This will help the users to keep their Conversation page neat and organized. The feature can be enabled by activating the automatic archive feature in the privacy and settings of the app.
Apart from all the mentioned above, Telegram has also brought a new photo editing feature, that can be used to add filters and edit photos before sending it to others. Besides, the video player is also redesigned, expanding video editor and tracklist.