The bad condition of Hindu-Sikh minorities in Afghanistan,

(Harleen Kaur, Intern Journalist)Kabul, . The population of minority Hindus and Sikhs living in Afghanistan is rapidly decreasing. The population of these communities of two and a half million people has now reduced to just 700. This is especially due to threats from the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS). People are leaving their birthplace and moving out of the country.

The migration of minorities to Afghanistan has intensified in the last several years. The main reason for this is the discrimination they face in a Muslim-majority country. Minorities, especially Hindus and Sikhs, have to face discrimination at all levels. They do not get any support from the government either. The situation became worse when the influence of terrorist organizations IS increased there in the last few years. Sunni Muslim organizations target non-Muslims everywhere on the target of IS.

On the condition of not making his name public, a member of the Sikh community said – under the circumstances, we cannot stay in Afghanistan for long. In March, 25 Sikhs were killed when the IS attacked the gurudwara, seven of them were relatives of this person.

He told that due to threats he left his birthplace and came to India. There is a single mother in the house who is worried. He has come with a batch of Hindus and Sikhs from Afghanistan, who are as frightened as him.

Hindus and Sikhs are communities of different religions. Their place of worship and scripture is different. But in Afghanistan, they share their temples and gurudwaras. Together they sit and worship. They are together in each other’s misery. In a challenging situation, they have removed the distinction between them. These communities, which have been suffering discrimination for decades, do not get consolation from any government. No government and their government staff listen to the difficulties of these minorities. The result of this is that there is a large scale migration from there.


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