The disappearance of 2500 corona infected from Lucknow

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Lucknow: Amidst the growing infection of the coronavirus, which has become a deadly life-threatening global epidemic, it has exposed the great carelessness of the victims as well as those responsible. The capital Lucknow has been at the top of the growing cases of corona infection in the state for a long time and now with the disappearance of about 2400-2500 infected people, the case is going to be very serious.

A large number of corona infected people are missing in Lucknow. The address along with the phone number of all these infected are also wrongly recorded. This is big negligence of the health department along with the infected. The infected are messing with the lives of their family members, while the health department, along with the municipal corporation, did not bother to conduct physical inspections even once in all these cases, otherwise, the lives of millions of infected people disappeared.
But there is no danger. Now it becomes a matter of beating the snake after passing.


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