The news of taking donations for arms purchase is fake

(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): The Indian Army has said that the ongoing news on social media about donations to the Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund for the purchase of arms and military equipment is incorrect. It is clarified that this fund was opened for enthusiastic citizens who are willing to help the casualties and their families in the fighting. The Army has said that at present, this fund is being used only to help the casualties and their families.

In fact, there are reports on social media claiming to have received donations for the purchase of military weapons in the Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund. The army has denied these reports. The army has said that there are incorrect reports on social media demanding donations for the Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund for the purchase of weapons and military equipment.

The Indian Army has said that the Casualty Welfare Fund of the Armed Forces was opened keeping in mind the wishes of the citizens of the country. These citizens of the country wanted to contribute to the casualties of war and the welfare of their families. This fund is being used only for the welfare of the casualties and their families. Explain that in the February 2016 avalanche incident in Siachen, 10 army personnel were buried under snow. After this, a large number of people were offered financial support to their families under the Battle Casualty.


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