The second most infected country in the world,

(Aditya Shaw, Intern Journalist): The number of people affected by coronavirus in India has crossed 1 crore. In this case, we are second in the list of 220 countries and islands in the world. America is ahead of us. The figure reached 1 crore in the fastest 290 days here. Thankfully, it has taken 324 days to get so many patients here.

We are at number 9 in the case of active patients
Even after America, India has the highest number of people infected in the world. However, we are currently in a better position than many countries. The actual number of patients in us is now 3.05 lakh. These are active patients who are being treated in a hospital or in-home isolation. The remaining 95.41% of the infected are now cured, while 1.45% of the patients have died due to infection.

There are 20 million active patients worldwide. Maximum 6 million Americans, 21 lakh France, 7 lakh Brazil, 6.67 lakh Italy, 5.51 lakh Belgium, 5.09 lakh Russia, 3.68 lakh Ukraine, 3.35 lakh Germany and 3.05 lakh active patients are in India.

India ranks first among the top-5 infected countries in the world in terms of recovery. So far, 95.41% of people have been cured. 87% in Brazil, 79.6% in Russia, 58.4% in the US have recovered from the disease. The worst situation is that of France. So far, only 7.5% of the patients have been cured.

The second wave in big countries of the world, cases are decreasing in us
The number of corona patients worldwide has exceeded 7.41 crore. The death toll is also 1.6 million. Analyzing the coronagraph, by September there was an average of 3 lakh patients growing daily. Now more than 6 lakh patients are coming every day.

The second wave of the corona has started in 57 countries including America, Brazil, France, Russia. The biggest impact is seen in North America, European countries. There are 30 countries in Europe where the second wave has started. 11 countries of North America, 7 of Africa, 5 of Asia, and 4 of South Africa are in the grip of the second wave. In India, in contrast, the Corona case is decreasing. Meaning, the number of people recovering more than the new cases that we get every day is increasing.

So far 1.45% of patients have died in India
India is the third-largest country in the world in death due to corona. So far, 1.45 lakh people have lost their lives here. The death rate in India is 1.45%. In the US, 3.19 lakh, or 1.81% of patients have died. So far 2.62% of patients have lost their lives in Brazil, 9.08% in Mexico, and 3.52% in Italy. In terms of population, this number of deaths in India is much less than in other countries. Here, 104 people are losing lives in every one million population, while 937 deaths are reported in America, 857 in Brazil, and 888 in Mexico.

Test numbers in India stabilized
In India, very few tests are being done in terms of population. So far only 11.11% of people have been screened here. The US has the highest number of 65.77% of the population screened. In India, 1.13 lakh tests are being done in every 10 lakh population. In the same population 6.77 lakhs in the US, 1.20 lakhs in Brazil, 4 lakhs in Italy, 7.12 lakhs are being tested in the UK.


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