The world’s biggest disease plaguing India

(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): Cancer, the world’s biggest or dangerous disease, is slowly gripping the country. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Center for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR), Bangalore have issued these warnings. This warning has been given in the report of the National Cancer Registry Program. According to the report, the pace of cancer will increase in the next five years. These vices of cancer will be strong on children including men and women. These reports have been prepared according to 28 population-based cancer cases and 58 hospital-based cancer data.

According to the report of the National Cancer Registry Program, cancer cases in India will increase by 12 percent by the year 2025. By the end of this year, the number of cancer patients in India will cross 1.4 million, which may reach 1.6 million by 2025. According to ICMR, 27.1 percent (about 3.77 lakh) cases of cancer in the country this year, 19.8 percent (about 2.73 lakh) cases of stomach cancer, 14.8 percent (about two lakh) cases of women. It is estimated that 5.4 percent (75 thousand cases) of breast cancer and cervix cancer will be present. According to the report, in the coming times, lung, mouth, stomach, and bowel cancer in men and breast and cervix cancer will increase rapidly in women. The main reason will be tobacco.

Cancer is fast becoming a major cause of concern in the northeastern states. The most shocking report is from Delhi. Cancer cases of children are increasing rapidly in the country’s capital Delhi. The National Capital Region (Delhi-NCR) has the highest cancer rate among boys and girls up to 19 years in the country. Out of the total cancer cases in the country, 3.7 percent of the cases are from 0 to 14 years of age in Delhi-NCR alone. Similarly, in Delhi-NCR, 4.9 percent of the total cases are of children between 0 to 19 years. Delhi NCR has the highest number of children with leukemia and the number of boys and girls is almost equal.


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