Tomato planted century, potato digested,

(Aditya Shaw, Intern Journalist): In the Corona era, tomatoes have now hit centuries in many places. At the same time, potatoes have started selling for Rs 50 a kg, while the price of onions doubled in a week, people are losing their tears, although the government is taking immediate measures to prevent the onion rate from rising, on Monday, the export of all varieties of onions Withheld with immediate effect.

Despite this, prices are increasing rapidly. As far as the rise in tomato prices is concerned, heavy rains in the southern and western parts of the country have affected tomato supply. This is the reason why its retail price has reached Rs 100 per kg in Malda, Agal, and Imphal. The average retail price of tomatoes in the country was Rs 50 on Tuesday, according to data from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

The ministry monitors the price of 22 essential commodities in 114 market centers across the country. This includes potatoes, tomatoes, and onions. According to the data, the average price of potato and onion in the country stood at Rs 35 per kg on Tuesday. While the maximum price reached Rs 60 per kg. Potatoes, onions, and tomatoes are a part of almost every Indian kitchen. According to government data, tomatoes were priced at Rs 63, Rs 68, Rs 80, and Rs 50 per kg in four metros of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai respectively. However, vegetables, hawkers, etc. are selling tomatoes at more than the government price. While the maximum price reached Rs 100 per kg.

Onion is sown in both Rabi and Kharif. In Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, these crops are ready by May and November. Apart from this, in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Bengal, this crop is grown back and forth. The tomato crop is expected to be less in South India and Maharashtra this year. Due to uncertainty over prices during the Covid-19 epidemic, this time farmers have cultivated tomatoes at low acreage. Every year, measures are taken to prevent onion prices from rising. Onion exports are banned, onion stocks are banned. Government agencies start selling onions at cheaper prices. This time also, the government on Monday stopped the export of all onion varieties with immediate effect.


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