Translating Dreams into Realities

Rishitha Jaladi(Intern Journalist): As APJ Abdul Kalam said, “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.” Dreams are lively expressions of your desires, goals, ambitions, and aspirations. With the steam of constant exertion and perspiration, one can easily propel them to astounding levels of fulfillment. Dreams can never be bad if they can ensure your purity, integrity, and right priority.


Many live and die in their world of unfulfilled dreams, all because they aren’t prepared to exert a bit of sweat. For them, Dreams are merely pleasures. Such Dreams to which they don’t attempt to give their breaths of fulfillment are not only useless but also dangerous.

Hence decide to sow your dreams in the soil of perseverance, pour your sweat, shower your care, apply the manure of hope, supply the sunshine of exertion, drive away from the beast of despair, soon you will see your dreams bloom into sparkling realities!

If you persevere in doing so, you are bound to encounter success after success, wonder after wonder, marvel after marvel, and victory after victory. snares will tremble before you. Hurdles will stumble at your approach. difficulties will flee from you. Hence, don’t hesitate to dream. Rather, remember, all successes were initially only dreams. 

People talk about dream houses. It only proves the fact that unless one dreams of a house passionately, one cannot plan for it, save for it, struggle for it, sacrifice for it, sweat for it, and finally possess it. Its time to build up your world of dreams. But don’t stop there, promptly resolve to put up a relentless struggle to transform those dreams into amazing realities!



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