(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist), Bihar; India is a country of diversities. There is Himalaya in the north and Kanyakumari in the south. There is Kutch in the west and Bay of Bengal in the east. Along with this, there are many such mysterious places that remain a puzzle for science even today. One such puzzle is Son Bhandar located in Rajgir, Bihar state. It is said that there is a treasure of gold at this place, which was hidden by the wife of Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryank dynasty.
This place is located in Rajgir of Bihar state. If history is to be believed, Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryank dynasty, had a great attachment to gold and silver. For this, he used to collect gold and jewelry. He had many queens, including one queen taking full care of Bimbisara. When Ajatashatru took his father captive and imprisoned. Then Bimbisara’s wife built this Son Bhandar in Rajgir. All the treasures collected by the king were hidden in this cave. To this day, this cave remains a puzzle for science. The two large rooms in this cave were made equal. Soldiers lived in one room. While the treasures were hidden in the second room.
This room is covered with a big rock, which to date no one has been able to open. There is something written in another unknown script on this door. It is said that if someone succeeds in reading this script, then he can open Son Bhandar. Before independence, the British once tried to blow this door with a cannon, but they did not succeed in it. Since then no one has tried to open the door.

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