(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist): US President Donald Trump has once again blamed China for spreading the deadly coronavirus worldwide. Donald Trump said that America was doing very well before the virus attack from China. But we are now fighting the coronavirus. He said that China would have to take full responsibility for giving the world a ‘corona epidemic’. President Donald Trump was addressing the 244th Independence Day of America. More than five lakh 33 thousand people have died due to this epidemic worldwide. At the same time, more than 1.13 crore people have been infected with this epidemic.
Trump said, “The impact of tariffs on foreign lands has benefited America for the next several decades and now we can make big trade deals.” This was not there before. When trillions of dollars were coming to the US treasury from some countries, at the same time we were affected by the virus from China. He said, “we are now making gowns, masks, and surgical accessories.”
The US President said that it used to be made only in foreign lands especially in China from where this virus and other things came. China hid the disease, causing it to spread throughout the world. China must be held absolutely responsible for this. Regarding the coronavirus vaccine, Trump said, ‘we are progressing very well.
Trump said, “We are now doing incredibly well and testing continuously. I want to thank scientists and researchers across the country and the world is trying to make Covid-19 vaccines so fast.” He hoped that the coronavirus vaccine would come out by the end of this year. Trump said that 40 million people are tested until now.
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