UP Board 2021 Exam date: Not in February, UP 10th 12th board may be held in this month

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist): The UP Board’s high school and intermediate exams are expected in April. In the Corona period, the center has lagged from assessment to experimental examination. The proposed panchayat elections in February and March will also be a big hurdle. However, board officials are claiming to have completed their preparations. The UP board had already sent the proposal of fixing the Center for the 2021 examination to the government. In the earlier years, the policy of fixing the center was issued by the second or third week of October. But the policy has not been finalized so far this year. The big reason behind this is Corona. Officers are not able to decide whether the centers will be decided on the basis of social distancing or will be made like in previous years.

One and a half or double centers will have to be created on the basis of social distancing, which will also greatly increase the cost of the examination. It will take at least one and a half months to build the center. The experimental examination of Inter was held in the previous years starting from December 15 and in about a month. While preparations are to start practicing in the first or second week of February this year, which will go till mid-March.

Central assessment policy could not be released in the Corona era yet. The policy was issued by the third week of October every year. The experimental examination will be held in February instead of 15 December. There are more than 55 lakh students registered for the 10th-12th examination. On July 1 last year, the examination timetable was released, but this time there is no discussion about the timetable. Copies for the examination were sent to districts in November every year, but preparation is to be sent in December this year.


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