(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): Voter list revision will start from October 1 for the three-tier panchayat elections to be held in UP. If you do not have a booth label officer (BLO) at your home, you can call and call him at home. The name of the BLO and its mobile number will be available on the website of the State Election Commission, HTTP // sec.up.nic.in, for each ward, panchayat wise.
Additional Election Commissioner Ved Prakash Verma said that by visiting the State Election Commission website http // sec.up.nic.in, you can find the name and phone number of the BLO of your ward in your panchayat by visiting the ‘Search BLO’ page. . If the BLO is not working properly or you have a complaint with it, you can also complain to the administration. The Commission’s number – 0522-2630130, fax number – 0522 – 2630115, 2630134, and email ID – can also be contacted at secup@secup.in, secup@up.nic.in.
Guide line for BLO and other personnel from Election Commission
- The BLO and other personnel engaged in the revision of the voter list will have to keep the Arogya bridge download on their mobile phone.
- When a person goes to the field, he will have to put on a face mask.
- Only one or two members of any household will be talked from two yards away following social distancing.
- Details of multiple families will not be recorded by gathering necessary crowds.
- Hand sanitizer bottle should be kept with you. Hands will be sanitized after viewing or signing any document.
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