(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): The presidential election campaign in America has intensified. Democratic Party President Joe Biden on Saturday assured US mayors that they would all welcome him to the White House in response to the economic protests from the racial protests and the Coronavirus epidemic. All of them will have active participation. Biden has made a huge effort to get mayors in his favor by doing so. The mayors have alleged that the Trump administration ignored local administration when making decisions during the Corona pandemic and racial protests. Seeing this resentment against Trump, Biden has given this assurance to the mayors.
Biden pulled the Trump and said that the decision process goes from bottom to top and not from top to bottom. He said that the decision process in the Trump administration is the opposite. In the Trump administration, this process is going from top to bottom. Biden assured the mayors that he would make changes if he reached the White House. Biden said that he had held talks with more than 200 mayors to overcome the 2008 economic crisis when he was vice-president during Barack Obama’s regime. He received significant input from these mayors.
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