Use of gourd peel

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Kanpur: Gourd is counted in green vegetables. Its intake provides relief in diabetes, strengthens the digestive system, controls cholesterol, and reduces weight. In addition, gourd peels are also beneficial. However, people do not use gourd peels and through them away. If you do this too, then know its health benefits. It contains fiber, vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium, which is nothing less than a boon for health and beauty. There is an excess of fiber in gourd peel.

The digestive system is strengthened by its intake. Whereas all stomach disorders end. For this, you can make and drink gourd juice. Applying a face pack of gourd peel on the face provides relief from sunburn. A gourd is also used to reduced weight. If you want to always be fresh, then drink gourd juice daily.


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