Use of hydroxychloroquine expanded, ICMR released guidelines

(Kajal Singh intern journalist): No vaccine or drug of corona virus has been prepared yet. In such a situation, the government has approved the use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent healthcare workers from infection.

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued new guidelines regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). The scope of the use of hydroxychloroquine has now been expanded. According to the guideline, as a precaution, these medicines can be taken by all health care workers who do not have symptoms. Apart from this, asymptomatic healthcare working in hospitals, frontline workers posted in the containment zone and policemen-paramilitary forces involved in corona related activities can also take these medicines.

Also available to the family of corona infected
According to the guideline, people who come in contact with such people whose corona report is positive can also take this medicine, even though no symptoms of corona have been found in them. Those in the confirmed case family who are not yet symptomatic will have to take this medicine for only three weeks. They have to be taken 400 mg twice a day on the first day. After this, you have to take medicine every day for the next 3 weeks.

However, this medicine cannot be given to children below 15 years and pregnant women. At the same time, medicine will be available only from the medical shop on the advice of doctors.

When should health workers take medicine
Members of the health care workers, frontline workers working in Covid-19 hospitals, or in the Containment Zone or Non-Corona Hospital, will have to consume this medicine for 7 weeks. 400 mg twice a day on the first day and after that with eating one tablet daily. Hydroxy chloroquine is usually given 8 weeks for a disease like arthritis. It is already in medical practice.

Do not forget to have ECG
As a precaution, those who eat hydroxychloroquine medicine should get the ECG done once. Complaints related to cardiovascular such as having ECG in case of chest pain.

Those who are taking this medicine as a precaution for seven weeks will have to get ECG to continue the medicine further. At the same time, at least ECG will have to be done when this medicine is being given as a precaution.
Family members who have been exposed to a confirmed case who are being given medication as a precaution, if their corona test comes positive, stop the medicine immediately and contact the doctor.