(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): In Marauna block area, the farmers had planted three times after the paddy crop was submerged in the floods in the past. After the rain, the crop has been drowned once again by the rising of Tilayuga. On the other hand, paddy crop has also been affected by the rise of the Surasar and Genda river in the Umbhpur block area. The farmers do not understand what to do now.
The rivers Tilayuga, Surasar, Geda, etc. were buried by the rains in the past. The overflowing of rivers spread water to many villages and fields. Tilayuga water spread to the villages of Parikoch, Gidrahi, Kuatol, Mangasihole, Ganeshpur, Koni, etc. in the Marouna block area till Sunday night. Water in these villages destroyed the crop of the farmer. Hundreds of acres of paddy fields had waterlogging, which drowned the crops. The farmers here, Prabhat Yadav, Sukhdev Mandal, Jagdish Mandal, etc. tell that this time the weather of the paddy crop has been hit. It is said that many farmers planted three or three times because of crop sinking after transplanting.
Many farmers even bought seeds from outside the embankment and planted them. After the 15th of September, the farmers felt that the tragedy was averted, but the rain that started from Thursday continued till Saturday night. Excessive rain caused tilayuga water to be submerged and entered the fields. It is sunny now. It is difficult to say anything about the crop until the water dries up. On the other hand due to River in villages Umbhpur, Dahria, Tilathi, Lakshmiyan, etc. and Surasar river has damaged crops in villages like Rajeshwari, Chunni, Jeevachpur, Madhopur, etc.
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