Why sleeping is necessary for health?

Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist): The number of such people in our younger generation is very limited, for which not enough is included in the essentials of good health. Otherwise, most of the youth do not even get the required sleep for 7 to 8 hours. At the same time, there are some people who are lying in bed due to laziness. But this condition is not helpful in any way to complete sleep.

Along with this, there is also a large army of youth who are busy with a laptop, computers, mobile, and TV for hours. Because of this, his brain does not get sleep signals at the right time. Also, there is a hormonal dislocation in his brain. Which causes insomnia (insomnia).
People who are very careless about sleep and never get a full sleep. They often face physical and mental problems. Fatigue in
Remain confused
Bad mood
Face indecision
Mental and emotional problems like lack of confidence are also included.
It is not that if you do not get enough sleep, you have to face lifestyle problems and diseases. Rather, due to lack of sleep, many fatal diseases can also occur. These include heart attack, heart attack, BP problem, brain hemorrhage, etc.

Lack of sleep has a very bad effect on our bodies. Usually, our first victim becomes this heart. Because when the sleep is not complete, the body remains tired all the time. Due to this, blood flow is obstructed and this affects the pumping of the heart.
People who have a habit of smoking also suffer from insomnia.

  • People who consume very high amounts of tea-coffee i.e. caffeine also suffer from lack of sleep.
  • Most of the people working in the night shift get disturbed by the biological clock, due to which they also face the problem of lack of sleep.

Along with this, the brain of people who use mobile for hours while lying in bed also cannot produce the right amount of melatonin hormone needed for sleep.
It is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to live a healthy life. Nowadays, the problem of heart attack is starting to be seen among the youth below 35 years, which is a concern. If you wish that you or a loved one does not go through this life-threatening experience at a young age, it is better than the whole family adopt an active and healthy lifestyle.


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