-Kajal Singh intern journalist
Train is known for one of the best means of transport, as We all know that in today’s world it Becomes very easy to travel from one place to another in a short while, within few hours a person can travel from the north end to south and all this become possible with the help of mode of transportation And trains are One of the best examples of this, in today’s generation we are introduced with Manny fast technology trains, like bullet trains. Bullet trains can travel long distances is in fewer hours. But, as we know The things which are good for us have bad phases too but not every time it’s Science or technology who is responsible for its bad phases We the people equally responsible For this. Every day many people lost their lives Because of train accidents, many people met with any sort of train accidents or incidents daily. This always arises a question in our minds That why the loco pilots of train don’t stop the train one they can. Why loco pilot’s don’t apply the brakes when they can. It is very clear that if they apply the brakes To save the life of a person on track Then he may put the life of all other passengers Travelling in a train, it is clear from the statement that it is the job of responsibility just to save the life of few individuals how can loco pilot put the lives of others in danger When we are on the railway crossing, there are two barriers in front and when the train comes, the gates of the railway crossing are closed so that no one can go on the railway line at that time. But some intelligent people cross the railway line at that time by crossing the gate, which sometimes leads to an accident. Jalna to Aurangabad of Maharashtra. A major accident occurred here on 8 May. The freight train passed over the 20 migrant workers sleeping on the railway tracks. 16 workers were killed. Some children were also included in these. After this incident, questions started to arise that why the train driver did not stop the train when people appeared on the track. Railway cleaning also came on this. A similar incident took place in October 2018. In Amritsar, people were standing on the tracks watching the Dussehra festival. In such a situation, a train came suddenly and many people were killed by crushing it. Then ‘The journalist spoke to a Loco pilot. Loco pilot is the driver of a train in India. They told us carefully how the driver stops the train and why the train does not stop when suddenly someone comes in front. But have you ever thought that when the train is running and someone is going from the front, why does the train not stop even after seeing it? In this article, we will explain why the train does not stop even after the arrival of any animal or human on the track. This is because if something comes in front of the train, the loco pilot will have to apply emergency brake to stop the train and some train has 20 to 25 coach trains and is going at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. So the minimum distance to apply emergency brake should be 850 meters. And if a vehicle carrying goods is fully loaded and it is going at a speed of 80 km / h, then the minimum distance to apply emergency brake should be 1 km. It is very difficult to see the things in front of such a distance and it is very difficult to see from the distance of 500 meters if the train’s railway line is bent by a 2-degree curve. So when the loco pilot sees the things in front, they are at a very short distance and that is why the loco pilots do not stop the train even after seeing something on the track. For them, the only hope is the horn in the locomotive, by which they inform the people. What is the break in the train? The train has the same brake as the road or truck or bus – air brake. There is a pipe filled with loud air. This air pushes a nylon brake shoe back and forth. The brake shoe rubs on the wheel and the wheel stops. The trains running in India have brakes under normal conditions. To drive, the brake shoe is pressurized and the brake shoe is separated from the wheel. Then the car can move forward. If you want to keep the general knowledge strong, remember – the pressure in the brake pipe of Indian Railways is 5 kilograms per square centimeter. This is the same as putting a five-kilogram weight on a centimeter X one centimeter. When does the loco pilot brake? When the train has to run and when to stop, it is not in the hands of the public. He moves either according to the signal or according to the guard of the vehicle. Loco pilots and guards are the two people who decide to apply the brakes of the car. The real thing is that it is relatively easy to drive a train at a speed of 150 km per hour. The tricky thing is braking. And in such a way that the vehicle stopped at the right place, at the right time. In a joke, it is also said that the loco pilot only gets to apply brakes in a real salary car. As long as the green signal is received to the vehicle, it runs at its fixed speed. In India, this speed can be up to 160 kilometers per hour (between Delhi to Agra). When the loco pilot sees two yellow light signals, it starts reducing the speed of the vehicle. And for this, he has two brakes. One for the engine and the other for the entire train. There is a brake on every wheel of every coach of the train. They are all connected by brake pipes. When the driver rotates the brake lever, the air pressure in the brake pipe starts decreasing and the brake shoe starts to rub against the wheel. A yellow light signal is followed by a loco pilot and a loud brake. After this, if the vehicle continues to receive a yellow signal, then it will continue to run slowly and if there is a red signal, then the loco pilot stands before the signal in every situation. Crossing the red signal in the railways is considered serious negligence and investigation are done. When are emergency brakes applied? Emergency means an emergency. The Indian Railway’s Locopilot can apply emergency brake in every situation in which it is necessary to stop the vehicle immediately. If something comes in front, there is a defect in the track, there is a defect in the car, anything can be the reason. The emergency brake is applied at the same level as the normal brake. Emergency brakes are applied when the lever is pulled beyond a certain limit. How far does the train stop after applying emergency brake? If a 24-coach train is running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and the loco pilot emergency brake is applied, the pressure of the brake pipe will be completely lost and the brake shoe on each wheel of the vehicle will start to rub with full force. Despite this, the train will stop completely after going from 800 to 900 meters. In the case of a freight train, the stopping distance depends on how much cargo is loaded on the train. She stops at 1100 to 1200 meters after applying the emergency brake on the goods train. That is, if one or one and a half kilometers before the driver knew that someone was asleep on the track, then he would have stopped the car and the laborers would have survived. When you pull the emergency chain in the box, it is still more or less the same. The pressure of the brake pipe decreases very rapidly and the brakes are applied with full force. This is the same as the driver or guard brake with full force. By now you must have understood that if the loco pilot wants emergency braking, then it should be seen from a distance that someone is on track. Usually, people, animals, or carts suddenly come in front of the car in railway accidents. In such a situation, the loco pilot does not have time to apply for an emergency brake. And even if an emergency brake is applied, a collision occurs. If there is a turn on the track then it becomes more difficult to see anything on the track. Especially at high speed. In such a situation, at the slightest turn, something is visible only when it comes close. Emergency brakes become more difficult to use at night. Loco pilots can see the same track at night as far as the light of the engine goes. If a crowd is on the track at night, the driver will be seen to be within a radius of about one kilometer. And then it is very difficult to stop the car even by applying the emergency brake. In such a situation, the last hope of the driver is the horn in the engine. He plays it continuously. Stopping train will course the loss of lives and loss of property, therefore, applying brakes is not a good option to prevent such accident and other train-related incidents Government has taken many measures but it’s the people who break the rules it’s the people who break the barriers even after warning and restrictions which cause to Fatal accident and other dangerous incidents. As in recent we have seen that around 15 to 16 people lost their lives in a train accident the question arises who was close Responsible for that. To prevent such rail accidents government or local administration must take proper action against those who break the rules, who Break the barriers proper punishment and fine should be Charged against those who do so. And awareness programs and campaigns must be organized just to make the people Aware of rail accidents
Why train driver can’t stop the train immediately even after seeing the people?
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