WHO said- Coronavirus may never end

Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist: Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the Emergency Program of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that corona can become a never-ending disease. The world must learn to live along with it. He also said that HIV is not yet eradicated but we are living with it.

Ryan said, “I am not comparing these two diseases but we must understand the reality.” No one can predict when the corona epidemic will occur. “

‘Remove restrictions when infection rate reaches a low level’

The WHO says that new cases of infection are coming. In such a situation, if the lockdown is removed, the disease will start spreading again. There is also a possibility of a lockdown again. Lockdown should be removed only when the rate of new cases comes down and most of the infected are cured. In such a situation, the risk of infection will be less when you remove the restrictions. If you remove the restrictions while the infection is over, it can spread rapidly.

‘Vaccine must be effective’

The head of the emergency program of the WHO says that even after the introduction of the corona vaccine, its effect is not completely eliminated. There is a vaccine for diseases like measles, yet the disease is not over. More than 100 vaccines of Corona are underway, but this should be very effective. It should be easily available to all.