(Kajal Singh, intern journalist):
As expected, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs decided to extend the lockdown till May 17, giving a number of concessions to the corona infection survivors as well as the least affected districts i.e. Green and Orange zones.

There has also been some relaxation in the districts affected by the corona infection. Whatever the impact, a further extension of concessions to lockdown is giving the message that people need to be mindful of physical distance as well as caution in movement.
Red and Orange zones allowed movement with certain conditions
However, to keep the movement under control, the restrictions on train and metro services along with air services will continue. Simultaneously hotels, restaurants, markets, malls, theatres, and educational institutions, etc. have also not been allowed to open. While red and orange zones allow traffic with certain conditions, buses are allowed to run in the green zone, but with 50 percent ridership. For this reason, it is difficult to say how much benefit it will bring.
The central government engaged in speeding up business activities With further expansion in the lockdown, the central government has also been intensifying business activities, but almost all major metros in the country are in the Red Zone and are the hub of economic growth. A major reason for more corona patients in red zone districts is that they have a much more dense population. The population is densely in old mohallas, but also in slums and irregularly inhabited colonies. In such areas, it is difficult to monitor one and the physical distance is also difficult to follow.
Disorganized colonies and slums pose major crisis during infectious diseases
One lesson of the COVID-19 epidemic is also that metros need to be freed from haphazard colonies and slums. Such areas can pose a major crisis during any infectious disease.
Corona posed a serious crisis for people’s health and livelihood. Coronavirus infection has created a serious crisis for people’s health as well as their livelihood – not only in India but around the world. Corona transition gave a shock to the world economy The corona infection has given such a severe blow to the world economy that it is difficult to even estimate how much economic damage is going to happen?
In India too, it is becoming difficult to estimate how much GDP will fall and how many jobs will be in danger due to this?
The workers through which economic activities are conducted are returning to their villages and homes
Whether workers and workers are conducting economic activities in their country, whether urban areas or rural, they are returning to their villages and homes. Lakhs of the laborer are from Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, etc. are being transported to their villages from their homes. This work is being done at a time when there is an exercise to speed up business activities by relaxing the lockdown.
How will business activities proceed when there are no workers?
The question is when there will be no workers, how will business activities proceed? This is a question that the central government, as well as the state governments, should consider. Do they also have to consider why the workers want to return home? The reason for this is that all the claims made by the governments about their living and eating arrangements proved to be incomplete.
The laborers had to face a lot of troubles, so they were anxious to go home
Since the laborers had to face many troubles, they were anxious to go home and many of them are determined not to return to the city again. If they really do not return to the city then a new problem may arise.
Farmers supplying fruit and vegetables are also in trouble due to the hotel, restaurants being closed,
Central and state governments also cannot ignore that apart from small and big factories and construction works, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, theatres, gyms, etc. not only provide employment but also provide a boost to economic activities. Apart from this, the consumption of fruits and vegetables in hotels, restaurants, etc. is helpful for the farmers. It is clear that the number of days the hotels, restaurants, and other food and drink destinations will remain closed, the people working there as well as the farmers who supply fruits and vegetables will be in trouble.
Necessary measures must be taken to prevent spoilage of fruits and vegetables.
The problems of fruit-vegetable farmers could have been reduced if there was sufficient cold storage in all parts of the country. At least after recovering from the corona crisis, necessary measures must be taken to protect fruits and vegetables from spoilage.
The central government should announce a relief package to the business world as soon as possible Although the central government is preparing to give a relief package to the business world, it should realize that it is getting delayed. This delay is overshadowing small and medium businesses. It is true that India cannot offer huge packages to its industry like the US, Japan, and European countries, but it is good that the awaited package is announced at the earliest. More so because the government is looking to start business activities soon.
The wheel of the economy revolves, for this, regular review of red, the orange zone is necessary
For this, the wheel of the economy revolves, with a regular review of the impact of the concessions given in the Red and Orange zones, it should also be seen whether the economic activities in these zones are proceeding as expected.
There are no major businesses in more than three hundred districts in the Green Zone
Even though there are more than three hundred districts in the Green Zone, there are usually no large businesses there. It is better than the central and state governments prepare to start all kinds of business activities except in the corona infection areas i.e. hot spots in the red zone districts, because it cannot be ignored that the whole of Delhi is in the red zone and Similar situation is there in cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, etc.
New ways of living will have to be developed in the shadow of the corona
Of course, the threat of Corona is not averted, but this is not the time to sit in fear of him, but to develop new ways of living with caution in his shadow.
Economic-business activities should rapidly gain momentum and keep the corona infection under control
On the one hand, businesses along with governments and their agencies will have to see that economic-business activities pick up the pace, while the general public also has to be aware that the infection of the corona remains under control.
If negligence spreads, business activities will be stopped afresh
If the infection spreads due to its mistakes or carelessness, it will also increase public problems with the governments themselves and the result of this is that the business activities which have started will be put to a new end.
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