(Pooja Pal; Intern Journalist): In a scrutiny of around 16,000 associates conducted from May 7-10, a majority of them in 9/16 countries said they were fine with going to their office in the next weeks. South Korea (82%), Australia (71%), China (65%), Russia (63%), and Germany (58%) ranked among the top 5 in that list.
NEW DELHI: Only 50% of Indians agreeing about returning to their offices and major part of total people surveyed disagreeing upon letting kids resume school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ipsos Global Survey alleged that Brazil and Spain (48%) were among the top countries that are not ok with inveterating to the workplace. In provisos of permitting children to return to school, a majority of people in Italy and South Africa (56%), Canada, and Spain (53%) are not comfortable for the same in the following weeks.
Australia (59%) and South Korea (49%) are the only 2 countries wherein people are comfortable for permitting their children to return to school in the coming weeks.
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