Tag: of

  • COVID-19 tally in Andhra Pradesh crosses six lakhs

    8,702 more infections and 72 deaths recorded in 24 hours (Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist)Andhra Pradesh: The State’s COVID-19 tally crossed the six-lakh mark with the registration of 8,702 more infections and 72 deaths in the last 24 hours ending Thursday morning. Andhra Pradesh is the only state after Maharashtra to witness over six lakh infections. The…

  • Trump to break all ties with the WHO

    (Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): On Friday, US President Donald Trump once again brought China and WHO into the dock with respect to the worldwide corona epidemic. The US has already stopped funding of WHO. Now Trump has spoken of ending all relationships with the World Health Organization. He said that we will give WHO quota…

  • Denmark World’s first robot to test corona

    (Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): Coronavirus has hit 59 million people worldwide, while more than three and a half million people have lost their lives. In such a situation, the Danish scientists have created a robot, which itself works to secure the swab for the test. The advantage of this is that the health workers taking the…