Lucknow- To control crime and crimnal a walkabout taken by Suresh Chandra Rawat SP East from Hazratganj circle to Naza market Lalbagh via Mayfair three way,Mr.Rawat Lead the Police team of Hazratganj Police Station,
*During the walkabout police officer’s inspected the Suspicious people,
*48 Vichle fined for road blocking,
*Warning given to Moti Mahal resturant for the enchrochement of foot-path,
*Warning given to Naza market shopkeeper’s,
Directions given to SHO Hazratganj to write a Letter to Lucknow Development Authority regarding the shops built in basement at Naza market Lalbagh that they have permission or not.
Because of a coaching institute at Naza market lots of water is wasted and for encrochment of walking way by a teen shed shopkeeper so Mr.Rawat has told SHO Hazratganj to file a case under section 133 crpc.

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