Tag: research

  • Three Nobel laureates in physics for research on black holes and galaxies

    (Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist) Vijayawada: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is announcing the most prestigious Nobel Prizes. Winners in Medicine and Physics respectively have been announced so far. This year, three people have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Roger Penrose, Reynold Zenzel, and Andrea Getz were nominated for this year’s Nobel Prize for…

  • Is India Emerging as a Global Power?

    (Rishitha Jaladi, Intern Journalist)Vijayawada: India is emerging as a global power. The magnificent growth in the economy over the last three decades has made it, one of the powerful nations in the world. Looking ahead to 2030, India will have a unique demographic dividend. Simply put, It will be the only young nation in this aging…

  • Normal water can Restrict Virus

    (Rishitha Jaladi, Intern Journalist)Vijayawada: All of us are stuck in a thunderstorm and unfortunately, the whole world is on the same boat. Yes, amid the COVID-19 lockdown, It’s a tough time for all of us. The number of COVID cases is accelerating every day in every country. Though the recovery rate is doing well, still…

  • Chikungunya Fever: Does spread by touch?

    Chikungunya Fever: Chikungunya is a dangerous global epidemic. Chikungunya is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It is spread by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus. The global distribution suggests that chikungunya is growing at a dangerous rate. The virus has the potential to…

  • Trump to break all ties with the WHO

    (Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): On Friday, US President Donald Trump once again brought China and WHO into the dock with respect to the worldwide corona epidemic. The US has already stopped funding of WHO. Now Trump has spoken of ending all relationships with the World Health Organization. He said that we will give WHO quota…

  • Aksai-Chin saw a convoy of light tanks and strike-vehicles

    (Kajal Singh intern journalist): Info-warfare is a major weapon of the Chinese Army. Recently, a video is becoming quite viral in China. Which China is using as propaganda. A similar video went viral during the Doklam controversy. A video of Combat-Patrolling has also surfaced in the Pangong-Tso Lake air-space of Indian fighter jets. New Delhi:…

  • USS Theodore Roosevelt Ship Ready to Return

    (Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): Washington, After being sidelined with an outbreak of the Coronavirus in Guam for two months, the USS Theodore Roosevelt ship Roosevelt has gone to sea for training, preparing to return to duty in the Pacific. The ship was intercepted in Guam from 27 March. Because more than 1000 crew members had received…

  • Australia researchers claim – virus penetrates

    (Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist) The new coronavirus binds humans faster than animals, a claim made by Australian scientists in their research. According to the researchers at Flinders University, the infection was studied to find that the ‘spike protein’ of the coronavirus infects the cell more rapidly than the receptor ACE-2 found in humans. The corona is…