Tag: donald
Trump to break all ties with the WHO
(Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): On Friday, US President Donald Trump once again brought China and WHO into the dock with respect to the worldwide corona epidemic. The US has already stopped funding of WHO. Now Trump has spoken of ending all relationships with the World Health Organization. He said that we will give WHO quota…
Bill passed for laws against discrimination against Uighur Muslims
(Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): The US Parliament (House of Representatives) passed a bill to legislate against discrimination against Uighur Muslims in China. Under this law, the responsible officers can be banned. The bill passed by a majority on Wednesday. Voting for the bill was passed by 413 votes in favor, while only one vote was…
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsi denies Trump’s accusations
(Sandhya Jha, Intern Journalist): Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has denied the allegations of interfering in the presidential election by US President Donald Trump. Dorsey tweeted on Wednesday, “As a company, I am responsible for the fact check. Please leave this work to our employees. We will keep telling wrong and disputed information about elections around…
US Parliament against the oppression of Uygar Muslims
Deepak Dubey Intern Journalist: The US Parliament (Congress) passed a bipartisan bill against brutal atrocities on ethnic minorities by China. The bill would ban Chinese officials torturing Uygar and other ethnic groups in the western Xinjiang region. There is a lot of news about atrocities against the Uygar community. However, after the move, relations between…
America: Trump said his efforts to deal with the economic crisis are right, said – we saved millions of lives
Washington (Sandhya Jha Intern Journalist): The US President is trying to get the country’s economy back on track by reopening closed businesses due to the Corona outbreak. They are also taking many steps regarding this. The US president, eager for economic reform, has been questioned by Americans for the reopening of non-essential businesses in some…