Tag: sad eyed lady of the low life

  • Women’s Pain

    (Rishika Iyer, Intern Journalist): “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it”, as said by J.K.Rowling the pain that women have gone through from past centuries just made it worse and here we are still fighting for equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunities, misogyny, patriarchy and what not.…

  • The pain of Being Women

    (Geetesh Ujjainwal, Intern Journalist): Life of a woman is a journey, in this journey she meets different personalities and she plays an imperative role in each personality’s life. from start till the end and in fact, during the journey she bears a lot of pain, that pain can be either physical or mental and also…

  • Women’s Pain – Grace it, embrace it and laud it

    (Suparna Ghosh, Intern Journalist): Women are the gift of God. People say that women have the power to repeat generations after generations and that is certainly amazing as well as astounding. It’s a matter of honor and also admirable to a great extent. The pain that they bear while giving birth to a child is…

  • “She Laughed “…A women’s pain

    – Aaditee M. Wagh (InternJournalist) . By sittiing in the corner & after observing everything , “She laughed “……She laughed when she saw everyone respecting her on the ” Women’s day “…She laughed when her children’s praised her for the ” Whole Mothers Day”…..She laughed when someone said “A Women’s life is soo painful because…

  • Women’s Pain

    (Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): One can witness that since the historical era wherein two situations, which I acknowledge were extremely wrong and therefore are not part of our present society, are Sati and Jauhar which proved that women had the endurance to go through pain. A woman’s body during puberty goes through a lot of…

  • A Day in a Woman’s Life

    (Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): She comes home from her office completing her night shift, the neighborhood woman judges her being characterless. She gets no sleep instead prepares tiffin for her children who are embarrassed to take her to Parent-Teacher Meeting at school because she can’t speak proper English. She prepares breakfast for her husband without…

  • Woman’s Pain

    (Namita Pradhan, Intern Journalist): I look at my mother and couldn’t understand the pain she went through until I felt the same. I have seen her suffering once every month but couldn’t know why until the day I have my menstruation. I got scared of bleeding and the pain I suffer but she gave me…

  • The pain which is unacknowledged

    (Riya Saha, intern journalist) : Women have a higher pain threshold than men reveals a study published in the New York Post. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Pain is subjective. Hence each of us responds…

  • It isn’t easy to be a woman!

    – Rishitha Jaladi (Intern Journalist) She gives life, shares love, reduces pain, and works hard.  She is a daughter, sister, girlfriend, Best friend, wife and a mother, She works, cooks and cleans but never earns a penny in return, we often fight but she’s concord, we argue and she gives in, we shout but she’s…